Tria Prima Press is an independent book publisher dedicated to publishing books from the Western Esoteric Tradition, Hermeticism and Freemasonry. It was established in part by Masonic author Jaime Paul Lamb.
By Ike Baker
Scholar, practitioner, content creator, and lecturer Ike Baker’s debut work, A Formless Fire:Rediscovering the Magical Traditions of the West is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to the history, theory and practice of western esotericism and the occult. From Astrology and divination to alchemy and ceremonial magic, A Formless Fire takes the reader on a whirlwind tour of the Western Esoteric Traditions throughout the history of the west, with an initiated practitioner as guide.
THE GRAND COMMUNICATION: Freemasonry’s alchemical quest for divine communion
By Nathan Schick
What does stodgy Freemasonry have to do with alchemy, Hermeticism, brewing beer, or the quest for the Philosopher’s Stone? Encrypted in the Masonic degrees are a set of symbols ready to be unlocked for those who have the key. Examining these symbols, Nathan Schick takes the reader through the Hermetic current ingeniously woven into the fabric of Freemasonry. The juicy story of early Freemasonry connects monarchs, religious wars, exploration of new worlds, scientific discoveries, the establishment of the Royal Society, and a network of underground natural scientists. The Grand Communication is the drugs, sex, and rock and roll take on early Masonic history!

By Jaime Paul Lamb
Abounding in unprecedented insights and observations, Jaime Paul Lamb’s The Archetypal Temple and Other Writings on Masonic Esotericism is a compendium of essays highlighting Freemasonry’s relationship to Western Esotericism, with the multivalence of the temple archetype as its central, unifying theme. As Lamb surveys Masonic ritual and symbolism from the perspectives of astrology, cosmology and occult philosophy, he situates Freemasonry as a living and evolving tradition. It is in this spirit that Lamb points to a Freemasonry that is applicable to the modern mind’s quest for meaning, authenticity and, ultimately, a place in the cosmos.
Angels in Vermilion:
The Philosopher’s Stone: From Dee to DMT
By P.D. Newman
Once considered the “Holy Grail” of hallucinogens, over the last quarter century, DMT has entered the public mind like never before. No longer a taboo topic to be discussed in the hushed tones among an esoteric elite, P.D. Newman’s Angels In Vermillion traces the secret lineage of transmission, beginning with Elizabethan alchemists, Dr. John Dee and Sir Edward Kelley, winding through the Royal Society and Masonic fraternity, and leading all the way up to the nineteenth century occult revival – and beyond. Fathoming Hell and soaring angelic, Newman leaves no stone unturned in his quest to uncover the hidden, hallucinatory history of the “Spirit Molecule,” DMT.