Angels in Vermilion: Now on Sale!

May 19, 2021 | Alchemy, Angels in Vermilion, Esoteric, Freemasonry

Tria Prima Press is excited to announce that P.D. Newman’s latest book Angels in Vermilion, The Philosophers’ Stone: From Dee to DMT is now on sale through the above link.

In Angels in Vermilion, Newman uncovers the story of the fabled red power known as the philosophers’ stone, while revealing a history of sorcerers, Freemason’s, con-men and alchemists. He makes a compelling argument for where the hallucinogenic powder might have come from as well as why it was such a jealously guarded secret.

Newman’s premise is well researched, citing over 120 sources, and is receiving high praises from contemporaries:

In this seminal new publication, Newman traces the fascinating history of the mysterious red powder and its undeniable similarities to modern DMT extracts.  It was just such a substance that brought Kelley to Dee – and resulted in their famous journals of angelic revelations.  And this barely scratches the surface of what you will learn in this long-overdue exploration of the use of DMT in the Western Mysteries.  I highly recommend Angels in Vermilion, not only for the information it contains, but also for its ability to grab and hold your fascination and imagination.”

Aaron Leitch, Author of The Essential Enochian Grimoire: An Introduction to Angel Magick from Dr. John Dee to the Golden Dawn.

The cover artwork is by celebrated Masonic artist Travis Lawrence.