Tria Prima Podcast

Thanks for checking out or podcast. It was inspired from the many lively conversations we had over lunch about Freemasonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition.

We all met at Ascension #89, a traditional observance lodge in Phoenix, Arizona. Jaime, a 32° Freemason, is a masonic author and long time student of the esoteric. Jake, a 32° Freemason and Knight Templar, is part of the new breed of esoteric Freemasons. Pat is a newly made Entered Apprentice with a lot of questions.

We try to keep it conversational while still leaving some meat on the bone.

If you have questions, suggestions or topics we’d love to hear from you.

Listen on Google Play Music

Podcast Hosted by:

Jaime Paul Lamb

Jacob Trayer

Pat Shannahan 

 Theme Music by

Dan Hawkins

Audio Engineering by:

Mike Kramer


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