Tria Prima Podcast
Jaime, Jake and Pat produce a biweekly podcast where they discuss Freemasony and the Western Esoteric tradition.
Freemasonry, Alchemy, and Lost Knowledge: A Conversation with Tim Hogan
Guest Tim Hogans's Bio Tim Hogan is an internationally recognized Masonic scholar, author, and lecturer, known for his deep expertise in Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, and the Western Mystery Tradition. A Past Master of multiple lodges, he has...
A Formless Fire: Interview with Author Ike Baker
We talk with Tria Prima author Ike Baker, host of Arcanvm about his new book A Formless Fire- Rediscovering the Magical Traditions of the West. A Formless fire is a full-scale examination of the history, theory, and practice of the Western Esoteric...
A Consideration of Freemasonry’s Democratization of the Mysteries
According to certain traditions, the ancient Greek Mystery initiations at the Sanctuary at Eleusis began with a declaration to those not prepared for initiation: “Be gone!” The Mysteries at the Greek town of Eleusis which took place for at least a millennium until 329...
Reawakening the Sacred and the Journey Back to Purpose
The following is a forward written by Jaime Paul Lamb for the new book A Formless Fire by Ike Baker out now on Tria Prima Press. Though, in many ways, these are the best of times (at least by metrics such as relative peace and prosperity), the modern philosophical...
NEW BOOK: A Formless Fire by Ike Baker
Tria Prima is proud to publish our fourth book A Formless Fire: Rediscovering the Magical Traditions of the West by our friend Ike Baker. It's now avaliable on our Inprint Store: Tria Prima Press. Scholar, content creator, lecturer, and practicing occultist Ike...
The Hermit Tarot Card: An example for Masons to emulate?
Composing my recent Tria Prima blog regarding Key 7 (The Chariot) has made me think more deeply on the rest of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, looking for obvious – and sometimes not-so-obvious – connections to Freemasonry. The imagery of Key 9 (The Hermit) has always...
The Chariot Tarot Card: The Lodge and Masons in Microcosm?
Recently, when studying the symbolism and meaning of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, some Masonic meanings jumped out at me when looking at Key 7 (the Chariot). As I looked at the imagery on the key – using the deck designed by Bro. Paul Foster Case for his Builders...
The Grand Communication Episode
UPDATE: This episode's audio has been updated to fix a issue where Jaime's sounds dropped out the second half of the episoide. It should now play as intended. Thanks to the listners who pointed out the issue. The Tria Prima guys are joined by author Nathan...
Botticelli should be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!
Slideshow of images produced by Midjourney Ai with a prompt to generate images of Sandro Botticelli asd a ninja turtle. Sandro Botticelli got screwed! When Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, the creators of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, were choosing names for their...
New Book! ‘The Grand Communication: Freemasonry’s Alchemical Quest for Divine Communion’
Editor's note: Tria Prima is excited to bring you Nathan Schick's new book The Grand Communication with a forward written by our very own Jaime Paul Lamb. Cover art by our talented brother Travis Lawrence of Infinity Prints. We believe this book will be an instant...
Demiurges and Daemons with special guests Ike Baker and Skyler Mathis
This episode is a special treat. It's the Triarcanuminds episode where Jake and Jaime of Tria Prima are joined by Ike Baker of the ARCANVM Podcast and Skyler Mathis of the Philosophical Minds Podcast to talk about Demiurges and Daemons. In philosophical...
Podcast Extra: Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference 2023
We recently chatted with Troy of The Scholomance Project about this year's Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference. Our own Jaime Paul Lamb will be a featured performer on Friday, September 29 where he will be improvising on the harmonium for each of the...
The Great Goddess Aletheia Is Dead! A Brief Essay on Platonic Truth & Virtue
Images Above: Plato's Academy mosaic from Pompeii. Big Photo: The School of Athens by Rafael. Below: An Allegory of Truth and Time.We live in the post-modern age. What that seems to entail, at least in part, is the denial of the existence of objective truth, and the...
Identifying the Self: An exercise in self reflection
Theseus, having slain the Minotaur, frees one of the Athenian boys; Cretans approaching to marvel the scene. Antique fresco in PompeiiWritten By Brian Sears Editors Note: It can be argued that one of the primary goals of Freemasonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition...
Masonic Renaissance
In this episode of the Tria Prima Podcast Jaime, Jake and Pat talk about the Masonic Renaissance that is taking place accross Freemasonry. We discuss the Masonic Restoration Foundation and what's it's like to attend asn observant lodge.
A Brief Essay on the Beehive as a Symbol of Freemasonry
In the way that all members of a beehive collectively work to serve the colony and the Queen, Freemasons conjointly strive to serve all of humanity and God. Every bee works in perfect harmony with all other bees in the hive so that the communal work may be executed...
Astrology Part 2
The long awaited part two of or series on Astrology. In this episode the Trio Prima guys go deeper into Astrology and talk about natal charts and how to start studying astrology. We get into the weeds in this one. If you are new to the subject make sure...
Astrology Part 1
In this episode of the Tria Prima Podcast we discuss a passion of Jaime and Jake: Astrology. This topic is going to be a two part episode so buckle up. In part one Jake and Jaime give us a high level view of the ideas around astrology and how studying...
Hermetic Cosmology
In this episode Jaime, Jake and Pat discuss the cosmological model used by the ancient Hermetists, consisting of the spheres of the elements, planets, zodiac, and beyond. Based on the system popularized by Ptolemy, this model was shared by the...
Esotericism and Freemasonry Conference with guest Troy Spreeuw
In our latest episode of Tria Prima Podcast Jake and Pat talk with guest Troy Spreeuw of The Scholomance Project podcast about the upcoming Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference being held in Seattle, WA, October 1, 2022 and October 2, 2022. Tria Prima...