Welcome to Tria Prima

A project dedicated to exploring the topics of Freemasonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition through podcasts, research papers, blogs, and multimedia. 

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Freemasonry, Alchemy, and Lost Knowledge: A Conversation with Tim Hogan

Guest Tim Hogans's Bio Tim Hogan is...

A Formless Fire: Interview with Author Ike Baker

We talk with Tria Prima author Ike...

The Grand Communication Episode

UPDATE: This episode's audio has...

Demiurges and Daemons with special guests Ike Baker and Skyler Mathis

This episode is a special treat....

Podcast Extra: Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference 2023

We recently chatted with Troy of The...

Masonic Renaissance

In this episode of the Tria Prima...

Astrology Part 2

The long awaited part two of or...

Astrology Part 1

In this episode of the Tria Prima...

Hermetic Cosmology

In this episode Jaime, Jake and Pat...

Esotericism and Freemasonry Conference with guest Troy Spreeuw

In our latest episode of Tria Prima...

Tria Prima Podcast

Jaime, Jake and Pat produce a biweekly podcast where they discuss Freemasony and the Western Esoteric tradition.

NEW BOOK: A Formless Fire by Ike Baker

NEW BOOK: A Formless Fire by Ike Baker

Tria Prima is proud to publish our fourth book A Formless Fire: Rediscovering the Magical Traditions of the West by our friend Ike Baker. It's now avaliable on our Inprint Store: Tria Prima Press. Scholar, content creator, lecturer, and practicing occultist Ike...

Podcast Extra: Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference 2023

Podcast Extra: Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference 2023

We recently chatted with Troy of The Scholomance Project about this year's Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference.  Our own Jaime Paul Lamb will be a featured performer on Friday, September 29 where he will be improvising on the harmonium for each of the...

Identifying the Self: An exercise in self reflection

Identifying the Self: An exercise in self reflection

Theseus, having slain the Minotaur, frees one of the Athenian boys; Cretans approaching to marvel the scene. Antique fresco in PompeiiWritten By Brian Sears Editors Note: It can be argued that one of the primary goals of Freemasonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition...

Masonic Renaissance

Masonic Renaissance

In this episode of the Tria Prima Podcast Jaime, Jake and Pat talk about the Masonic Renaissance that is taking place accross Freemasonry. We discuss the Masonic Restoration Foundation and what's it's like to attend asn observant lodge.

Astrology Part 2

Astrology Part 2

The long awaited part two of or series on Astrology. In this episode the Trio Prima guys go deeper into Astrology and talk about natal charts and how to start studying astrology. We get into the weeds in this one. If you are new to the subject make sure...

Astrology Part 1

Astrology Part 1

In this episode of the Tria Prima Podcast we discuss a passion of Jaime and Jake: Astrology. This topic is going to be a two part episode so buckle up. In part one Jake and Jaime give us a high level view of the ideas around astrology and how studying...

Hermetic Cosmology

In this episode Jaime, Jake and Pat discuss the cosmological model used by the ancient Hermetists, consisting of the spheres of the elements, planets, zodiac, and beyond. Based on the system popularized by Ptolemy, this model was shared by the...

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