Tria Prima Podcast
Jaime, Jake and Pat produce a biweekly podcast where they discuss Freemasony and the Western Esoteric tradition.
For most of us, when we think of a Masonic Temple, we think of the brick-and-mortar building downtown where Lodges meet. While this is true, it is not the only temple with which we are concerned as Masons – nor is it the only temple our labors are designed to raise....
The Devil Within
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. ...
Why Ritual is so Important in my Life.
If I may be cliché, allow me to begin with a definition. Bing.com says the definition of Ritual is “a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.” Rituals can range from ones as complex as weddings and...
Most people are familiar with Horus in his role as a protective, or tutelary deity; however, this sky god was worshipped under various epithets and by various attributions, over a relatively vast period of time. [1] Regional characteristizations, subsumations due to...
The Moon Goddess Columbia and the Birth of America
The labor pains that drove our Founding Fathers to break ties with the tyrannical British Empire, were mirrored in the Heavens as we inched ever closer to formally declaring our independence on the 4th of July 1776. King George III played the role of Saturn and we,...
The Laudable Pursuit is giving Tria Prima readers 10% off of Jaime new book as well as the entire bookstore through June 25, 2020. Use checkout code: MIDDLECHAMBER Tria Prima is excited to share the release of a new book by one of our co-founders, Jaime Paul Lamb....
Occult Symbols of Freemasonry: Secret 6s, the Beauty and Glory of the Dei
Have you ever wondered why the “column of the South” is named Beauty? What about the other two columns, Strength and Wisdom? How did they get their titles? And why are each of the columns associated with phases of the Sun? The answers may be found in the Jewish...
Tria Prima Podcast | Episode 3 | Does the Word Occult Trigger you?
We are back with the third episode of the Tria Prima Podcast. Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to give us a 5 star rating on Apple Podcasts. If you want to support the podcast, that's one of the ways you can do it. In this episode...
Trismosin’s Truffles: Mushrooms Revealed in Alchemy’s Most Famous Manuscript
In 1995, taking investigative cues from Wasson, Hofmann, and Ruck’s 1978 work, The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries, Clark Heinrich published a remarkable book titled Strange Fruit: Alchemy, Religion and Magical Foods, updated in 2002 as Magic...
Shabbat, Shekhinah and the Solomonic Pillars
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. - Proverbs 31:10 There was spoilage for the sake of fixing and destruction for the sake of rebuilding. - Isaac Luria nion with the divine has been the underlying theme of...
Tria Prima Podcast Episode 2: The great tarot debate
Welcome to Episode two of the Tria Prima Podcast. We want to say a big thank you to all of you who subscribed and who took the time to leave us a review. We appreciate you. We also want to say a big thank you to two brothers of Ascension Lodge #89 who have...
The Checkered Pattern on the Floor
An abstract from Jacob William Trayer’s forthcoming book Discovering The Duad Within speculative Freemasonry, dualistic symbolism seems to be overshadowed by the ternary, quinary, and septenary examples laid out over the stratification of the Blue-Lodge ritual and...
Initiation and Our Esoteric “Second Births”
The initiations of Freemasonry, like church baptisms in the evangelical community where the phrase “born again” is in common use, are second births, intended to replicate the births from our biological mothers. From our very first steps in Masonry, we find ourselves...
The Four Cardinal Virtues and How Freemasonry Came to Influence Tarot
Justice by Luca Giordano. 1682-1685 “Modern Tarot arises in France in the mid-17th century; whereas modern Freemasonry arises in England in the early 18th. Neither knows of the other and the two are not seen in any manner as related nor as connected.”...
Tria Prima Podcast Episode 1: Salt, Sulfur and Mercury
Tria Prima Podcast Episode 1 Welcome to the Trip Prima Podcast, a show about Freemasonry and the Western Esoteric Tradition. Jaime, Jake and I have been talking about making a podcast and digital magazine for a while. We all met at Ascension...
here has been an ongoing debate regarding the decline in Masonic membership for some time now. From what I have read and heard firsthand, in and around the Lodge, most of the proposed solutions to the matter involve making Freemasonry somehow...
t is a fair assessment to say that, in modern times, there has been increasingly popular tendency toward secularization. In the West, particularly, a mass exodus from the Abrahamic and other monotheistic faiths has been underway for some time. For...
oth the alchemical tradition and Rosicrucianism may be counted among the many tributaries to what would become modern speculative Freemasonry. Evidence of this may be found in the work of the Fraternity’s appendant bodies, such as the Scottish Rite...
s Europe began to stabilize after the barbarian invasions and the fall of the Roman Empire, we begin to observe the formation of craft guilds. These organizations – which, like the collegia, offered their members mutual support, fellowship,...
On the Tria Prima Podcast we have off the cuff conversations about Freemasonry, Tarot and the Western Esoteric Tradition. Hit the button to subscribe.s Freemasons, we periodically encounter references to Tarot cards and Tarot imagery in the...